Trademark Publication and Granting in Estonia | iPNOTE
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Trademark Publication and Granting in Estonia

Upon receiving a positive decision, the trademark is published. If no objections come forth from any third parties, a certificate is issued. As a standard practice, this stage doesn't call for any active steps


Upon receiving a positive decision, the trademark is published. If no objections come forth from any third parties, a certificate is issued. As a standard practice, this stage doesn't call for any active steps

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More than 800 IP law firms from 180+ countries, ranking and reviews
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Fully Online
24/7 registration and case data access with auto-sync to the patent offices
How it works
Within minutes, create a request with an AI assistant and receive offers from dozens of local IP attorneys
Review offers, compare them, and select the most suitable option. Complete your transaction securely
Stay informed on the progress and communicate with your attorney through the platform until the process is complete
Trademark Publication and Granting in Estonia
From $108
  1. An AI-powered IP assistant that helps you create a detailed assignment within minutes.

  2. Selection of the most suitable local trademark attorney based on specific criteria.

  3. Receiving a publication decision, monitoring oppositions, and issuance of a certificate.

  4. Online monitoring and reporting on the platform throughout the entire process.

  • More than 800 IP law firms from 150+ countries, ranking and reviews

  • An AI-powered IP assistant that helps create tasks and find relevant attorneys

  • Flat fees, secure and fast online payments with guaranteed results

  • 24/7 access to the registration process and online data storage for all your cases

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Our clients
Raylightenergy, China
Wow, what a great service and you will find that the providers are much cheaper than goig direct. All the attorneys are screened and verified so no need to wonder if you are buying a legitimate service. Have used twice so far and will use it again.
Sherridge, UK
At a glance iPNOTE is a platform designed for professionals. But at the same time they have so helpful customer support that got me through all stages literally by hand. Being client oriented is a relic feature for modern digital services that trying to automate almost each step.
Tyan Group LLC, USA
First time going through them and they did not disappoint! I got my trademarked filed right away, and Ian clearly explained everything to me! Great service and fair price!! Plan on using them again!
Thanks for the excellent service. I managed to register my trademark swiftly and without unnecessary hassle.
Practico, USA
Great service, thank you! I didn't understand the trademark registration process at all and just want someone to do this job for me. They did it, I'm happy!
s16vc, USA
Amazing service! I needed to register a trademark in multiple jurisdictions and IP Note helped me. Reliable, fast and transparent process, easy communication with patent attorneys all over the world. Highly recommended.
Besample, USA
Easy and fast to onboard, many useful insights. Definitely will continue to use it.
Biomicrogels Group, UK
User-friendly app with great functionality and design! All necessary information about IP in one place. In addition to information about patents, there is the ability to set reminders and tasks, track progress, and communicate directly with service providers. And yes, the marketplace is an excellent opportunity to save a significant part of IP budget!
I liked working with the Ipnote. Clear, convenient process of finding contractors + there is constant support from the service itself on many issues. We were able to file trademark applications in the USA quickly. Now we will continue in other countries, using the help of the service.
Nucular, Hong Kong
Very professional and fast work. We recommend this company for trademark registration.
Insense, USA
Very convenient service that helped us register our trademark in a few days. I want to mention the help of the CX team and especially Alex. They helped me and were always in touch. We will use it for registration in other countries.
Epic Web3, Portugal
Great experience! Applied for a trade mark registration in US and EU for a reasonable price
TMARK, Moldova
We ordered work in more than 10 countries for trademarks and patents, it is very convenient that everything is visible in one dashboard and fast secure payments. Lawyers often offer advice and best solutions for free, which helps a lot when you are not sure what needs to be done and how to do it cheaper. Excellent service I recommend as a patent attorney with 15 years of experience!
iPNOTE is a fantastic platform that allows you to easily extend your IP agent network around the world to better serve your customers. In addition, any need is quickly solved by their support service. I highly recommend it
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean when a trademark is granted in Estonia?
When a trademark is granted in Estonia, it means the Estonian Patent Office has approved the application, and the trademark is officially registered. The owner has exclusive rights to use the trademark in connection with the goods or services listed in the registration.
How will I be notified if my trademark is granted in Estonia?
You will receive an official notification from the Estonian Patent Office indicating that your trademark has been granted. This notification includes the registration certificate and details of the registered trademark.
How long is a granted trademark valid in Estonia?
A granted trademark in Estonia is valid for ten years from the date of filing the application. It can be renewed indefinitely for successive ten-year periods, provided the renewal fees are paid.
What rights do I acquire once my trademark is granted in Estonia?
Once your trademark is granted, you acquire the exclusive right to use the trademark for the goods or services specified in the registration. You can also take legal action against others who use a similar or identical trademark without your permission.
Can I use the ® symbol after my trademark is granted in Estonia?
Yes, after your trademark is granted in Estonia, you can use the ® symbol to indicate that your trademark is registered and protected under trademark law.
What should I do if I find someone infringing on my granted trademark in Estonia?
If you find someone infringing on your granted trademark in Estonia, you can take legal action to enforce your rights. This may include sending a cease and desist letter, negotiating a settlement, or filing a lawsuit for trademark infringement.
How can I renew my trademark registration in Estonia?
To renew your trademark registration in Estonia, you must file a renewal application and pay the required renewal fees to the Estonian Patent Office before the expiration of the current registration period. Renewals can be done online or via paper submission.
What happens if I fail to renew my trademark in Estonia?
If you fail to renew your trademark in Estonia, the registration will expire, and you will lose the exclusive rights to the trademark. However, there is a grace period of six months after the expiration date during which you can still renew the trademark by paying an additional fee.
Can a granted trademark in Estonia be challenged or revoked?
Yes, a granted trademark in Estonia can be challenged or revoked. Third parties can file an opposition or a cancellation action if they believe the trademark was improperly granted. Grounds for revocation can include non-use, descriptiveness, or bad faith registration.
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Trademark Publication and Granting in Estonia 


Obtaining a trademark grant in Estonia is a vital step for businesses looking to protect their brand identity and secure exclusive rights to their trademarks. This process involves several stages, including the publication of the trademark application, which allows for public scrutiny and potential opposition before the trademark is officially registered.

Understanding Trademark Publication in Estonia

Trademark publication in Estonia is a formal procedure where the details of a trademark application are published in the official gazette by the Estonian Patent Office. This publication occurs after the initial examination of the application and serves as a public notification. It allows third parties to review the proposed trademark and file any objections or oppositions.

The Importance of Trademark Publication in Estonia

1. Public Awareness: Publication ensures that the public, including competitors, is aware of the pending trademark application. This transparency helps maintain a fair marketplace by allowing others to oppose potentially infringing trademarks.

2. Legal Certainty: It provides a period during which any potential conflicts can be resolved. This reduces the risk of future legal disputes over trademark rights.

3. Market Protection: It gives businesses the opportunity to protect their trademarks from being diluted or infringed upon by similar marks that might be filed later.

The Process of Trademark Granting in Estonia

1. Application Submission: The trademark application is submitted to the Estonian Patent Office, including all required documentation and fees.

2. Examination: The office examines the application for compliance with legal requirements, such as distinctiveness and non-conflict with existing trademarks.

3. Publication: If the application passes the examination, it is published in the official gazette. This publication triggers a three-month opposition period during which third parties can file objections.

4. Opposition Handling: If no oppositions are filed or if oppositions are resolved in favor of the applicant, the trademark proceeds to registration.

5. Registration and Grant: The trademark is officially registered, and a certificate of registration is issued. This grant gives the trademark owner exclusive rights to use the mark in Estonia for ten years, renewable indefinitely.

Benefits of Obtaining a Trademark Grant in Estonia

1. Exclusive Rights: The trademark grant confers exclusive rights to the use of the trademark, preventing others from using a similar mark for related goods or services.

2. Brand Protection: It helps in protecting the brand from infringement, ensuring that the brand's identity remains unique and recognizable in the market.

3. Market Advantage: A registered trademark enhances the brand's market position and credibility, providing a competitive edge.

4. Legal Recourse: The grant provides a solid legal basis for taking action against infringers, including the ability to seek damages and injunctions.

Why Should You Choose iPNOTE?

You can find an attorney for all IP matters, including trademark granting in Estonia, via iPNOTE easily. We offer:
A huge database of verified attorneys in Estonia and worldwide; 

The AI Assistant which helps you create a detailed request to find the most suitable attorney; 

The Attorney’s Marketplace with ratings, company information, and reviews from clients; 

A guarantee to find an attorney within 48 hours.

How Does Trademark Granting in Poland via iPNOTE Work?

The process of trademark ganting in Estonia through iPNOTE is simple and efficient. Here are the steps:

1. Create an Account: Fill out a short form to create an account on the platform.

2. Create a Task: Specify your requirements and create a task in the desired region.

3. Choose a Contractor: iPNOTE will recommend suitable contractors based on your task. Choose a contractor from the options provided.

4. Receive Completed Documentation: The selected contractor will complete the trademark granting and provide you with the necessary documentation.

Start protecting your trademark with iPNOTE in Estonia today.