Register Your Patent in
Protect your invention with our patent registration service. Choose from a wide selection of local patent attorneys, benefit from low flat fees, assured quality, and enjoy online monitoring throughout the process
Protect your invention with our patent registration service. Choose from a wide selection of local patent attorneys, benefit from low flat fees, assured quality, and enjoy online monitoring throughout the process
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Patent search, drafting of an application, consultation, and application filing done by an attorney.
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Patent Registration in Bulgaria
Patent registration is an essential step for any business in Bulgaria looking to protect their innovative ideas and products.
To register a patent in Bulgaria, you must meet certain conditions:
- Novelty;
- Inventive step;
- Industrial applicability.
Key Points of Patent Registration in Bulgaria
While you can file an application yourself, seeking the assistance of a lawyer specializing in intellectual property will simplify the process.
Patent registration in Bulgaria is governed by the Industrial Property Law, which provides protection for inventions that are new, involve an inventive step, and are susceptible to industrial application. The term of a standard patent is 20 years from the filing date of the application.
According to the Bulgarian Patent Office, the number of patent applications filed in Bulgaria has been increasing, with significant activity in the fields of mechanical engineering, chemistry, and pharmaceuticals.
How to Find a Patent Specialist Quickly and Affordably?
At iPNOTE, we offer a solution to finding a patent specialist quickly and affordably. Our platform provides a user-friendly marketplace where you can explore service providers, leave feedback, and get in touch with their representatives. We guarantee at least one proposal within 48 hours, but usually, multiple options are available within a few hours.
Our services are 2-5 times more cost-effective than major law firms, and clients have the option to change providers after the task has started and request a refund if the result does not meet their requirements. With iPNOTE, you'll find verified patent lawyers from Bulgaria and around the world to help you protect your innovative ideas and products.
Registering a patent is crucial for protecting your unique ideas and products in Bulgaria. With iPNOTE's platform, you can find a suitable patent specialist quickly and affordably.
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