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Register Your Design in

Protect your product appearance, packaging, ornament, interface or interior with our industrial design registration service. Choose from a wide selection of local design attorneys, benefit from low flat fees, assured quality, and enjoy online monitoring throughout the process

+ govt fees from $145

Protect your product appearance, packaging, ornament, interface or interior with our industrial design registration service. Choose from a wide selection of local design attorneys, benefit from low flat fees, assured quality, and enjoy online monitoring throughout the process

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More than 800 IP law firms from 180+ countries, ranking and reviews
Guaranteed Security
Flat fees, secure and fast online payments with guaranteed results
Fully Online
24/7 registration and case data access with auto-sync to the patent offices
How it works
Within minutes, create a request with an AI assistant and receive offers from dozens of local IP attorneys
Review offers, compare them, and select the most suitable option. Complete your transaction securely
Stay informed on the progress and communicate with your attorney through the platform until the process is complete
Design Patent Registration in Taiwan
From $620 + govt fees from $145
  1. An AI-powered IP assistant that helps you create a detailed assignment within minutes.

  2. Selection of the most suitable local design attorney based on specific criteria.

  3. Drafting of a description, preparation of drawings, and filing of the application done by an attorney.

  4. Online monitoring and reporting on the platform throughout the entire process.

  • More than 800 IP law firms from 150+ countries, ranking and reviews

  • An AI-powered IP assistant that helps create tasks and find relevant attorneys

  • Flat fees, secure and fast online payments with guaranteed results

  • 24/7 access to the registration process and online data storage for all your cases

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Raylightenergy, Хятад
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is design registration?
Design registration is a legal process that grants exclusive rights to the creator of a new and original design. It provides protection against unauthorized copying or imitation of the visual appearance of a product. Design registration focuses solely on the aesthetic aspects of a product and is not concerned with its functionality.
What are the design types?
There are several types of design, including ornamental designs (decorative or artistic in nature), product designs (the unique visual appearance or shape of a product), packaging designs (the visual design or appearance of product packaging), graphic designs (related to graphical elements), and user interface designs (the visual layout or graphical user interface (UI) elements of software), etc.
How much does it cost?
The expenses associated with Design registration fluctuate based on the specific country and the scope of services required. Usually an offer for design registration is based on the state filing fee, individual design or a group design, variants of design, priority claim, and registration fee. Our exceptional service ensures utmost transparency, offering you a competitive and predetermined fee for each application within every country.
Should I seek patent protection for my design?
If you possess a unique design that you fear might be replicated or counterfeited, it is advisable to pursue a design patent application. By filing for a design patent, you secure a 15-year period of exclusive rights to utilize the design starting from the date of filing. This protection safeguards your design from unauthorized use or imitation by others.
What are the main design registration stages?
There are 4 main stages – Filing the application, Submission of the application to the Patent Office, Registration of the design, and Maintenance (the term of design is 10-25 years depending on the country).
What is the Hague procedure?
The Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs provides a practical business solution for registering up to 100 designs in 96 countries, by filing a single international application. In the same way as with trademarks, you can file applications in other countries within 6 months. The only difference is that you can still register trademarks after this period has expired, but it is no longer possible to register designs in other countries after 6 months have passed.
How to apply for priority?
If you apply for priority (according to the earlier application filed in the country-party to the Paris Convention or the exhibition priority), you are required to submit the certified copies of priority application with translation into the language of the patent office. Priority can be claimed within 6 months from the date of filing of the first application or publication at the international exhibition.
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Design registration in Taiwan


Taiwan offers robust intellectual property (IP) protection, including for industrial designs. A design patent in Taiwan protects the visual aspects of an object, including shape, pattern, or ornamentation. Registering a design patent ensures the exclusive right to use, sell, and license the design for a specified period.

Key Features of a Design Patent

In Taiwan, a design patent is granted for any new and original aesthetic creation that is applied to an article. The design must be novel, meaning it cannot be identical to any existing design or disclosed in previous publications. Key features include:

  • Scope of Protection: Covers only the visual appearance, not the function or technical features.
  • Duration: The protection lasts for 12 years, with no possibility of extension.
  • Registration Process: The process involves submitting an application with detailed representations of the design and a description of its features. It does not require examination for novelty unless challenged.
  • Exclusivity: The owner has exclusive rights to prevent unauthorized copying, production, or use of the design.

When and Why to Register a Design Patent?

Registering a design patent in Taiwan is a strategic move for businesses and creators. It's particularly important when launching a new product with a unique visual design, as registration provides:

  • Legal Protection: Helps prevent competitors from copying the design, offering the owner legal recourse in case of infringement.
  • Market Advantage: Exclusive rights to the design can enhance brand identity and market differentiation.
  • Monetary Benefits: A registered design can be licensed or sold, offering potential revenue streams.

The unique appearance of your product can be protected by a design patent in Taiwan to prevent copying and unauthorized use. A design patent grants the same rights as an invention patent, allowing you to control the patented design, profit from it, and take legal action against unauthorized users.

Key Features of a Design Patent

1. Registration Requirements: The design must be purely visual, unrelated to the functionality of the product, and an integral part of it.

2. Simplified Protection Procedures: To determine infringement of your design rights, the court only needs to compare the appearance of your product with that of the opposing party.

In general, registering a design patent is easier and more cost-effective than other forms of patent protection

When and Why to Register a Design Patent?

To file an application for registration in Taiwan, you need to gather several documents:

  • A detailed description and title of the design.
  • Images of the product from different angles and in various formats, along with their descriptions.
  • An application for registration.
  • Confirmation of your identity and applicant information.
  • Receipts for paid application fees.

However, patenting the design itself may not always be advisable. In some cases, securing copyright for the image or registering a trademark, including the product design as a distinctive feature, may be better options. Additionally, there is a specific type of patent for industrial design.

To determine whether it is worth registering the design separately in your case and to prepare the necessary application documents, consulting with a lawyer is recommended. While you can handle the process yourself, working with a professional significantly simplifies it.

Who to Consult for Design Patents?

Find a lawyer to work with comfortably on the iPNOTE platform. We have a vast database of providers from Taiwan and around the world.

We manually verify licenses and credentials to ensure the competence of each specialist and company.

In the provider's profile, you can see reviews from previous clients who have worked with them.

You are guaranteed to find a qualified lawyer to handle your task. The maximum search period is 48 hours.

Our providers' services are typically 2-5 times more affordable than those of major firms.

iPNOTE protects your interests — you can even change the provider after starting the work and request a refund if the collaboration result does not meet your requirements. Register on iPNOTE and easily delegate the handling of intellectual property matters to professional lawyers.

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