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Patentability Search in モンゴル

Conduct a search through patent databases, identifying potential conflicts and verifying uniqueness. This stage offers a secure way to R&D, thus helping to avoid legal issues


Conduct a search through patent databases, identifying potential conflicts and verifying uniqueness. This stage offers a secure way to R&D, thus helping to avoid legal issues

Patentability Search in Mongolia
From $200
  1. 数分以内に詳細な割り当てを作成するのに役立つ AI 搭載の IP アシスタント。

  2. 特定の基準に基づいて最も適切な現地の特許弁護士を選択します。

  3. Conducting a search through patent databases, identifying potential conflicts and determining a strategy.

  4. プロセス全体を通じてプラットフォーム上でオンライン監視とレポートを実行します。

  • 150か国以上から800以上の知的財産法律事務所、ランキングとレビュー

  • タスクの作成と関連する弁護士の検索を支援する AI 搭載の IP アシスタント

  • 定額料金、安全で迅速なオンライン決済、結果保証

  • すべてのケースの登録プロセスとオンラインデータストレージに24時間365日アクセスできます

すごい、素晴らしいサービスです。プロバイダーは直接購入するよりもはるかに安いことがわかります。弁護士はすべて審査され、検証されているため、正当なサービスを購入しているかどうか疑問に思う必要はありません。これまでに 2 回使用しましたが、また使用する予定です。
一見すると、iPNOTE は専門家向けに設計されたプラットフォームです。しかし同時に、非常に役立つカスタマー サポートがあり、文字通り手作業ですべての段階をこなすことができました。クライアント中心であることは、ほぼすべてのステップを自動化しようとしている現代のデジタル サービスでは遺物的な機能です。
Tyan Group LLC、米国
素晴らしいサービスです、ありがとうございます! 商標登録のプロセスがまったくわからなかったので、誰かにこの仕事をしてもらいたいと思っていました。彼らはそれをやってくれました。満足です!
素晴らしいサービスです! 複数の管轄区域で商標を登録する必要がありましたが、IP Note が助けてくれました。信頼性が高く、迅速で透明性のあるプロセスで、世界中の特許弁護士と簡単にコミュニケーションが取れます。強くお勧めします。
優れた機能とデザインを備えたユーザーフレンドリーなアプリです。IP に関する必要な情報がすべて 1 か所にまとめられています。特許に関する情報に加えて、リマインダーやタスクの設定、進捗状況の追跡、サービス プロバイダーとの直接通信も可能です。そして、マーケットプレイスは IP 予算のかなりの部分を節約できる素晴らしい機会です。
Ipnote との連携は気に入りました。請負業者を見つけるプロセスが明確で便利で、多くの問題に対してサービス自体から常にサポートを受けられます。米国で商標出願を迅速に行うことができました。今後は、このサービスの助けを借りて、他の国でも出願を続ける予定です。
非常に便利なサービスで、数日で商標を登録できました。CX チーム、特に Alex の協力に感謝したいと思います。彼らは私を助けてくれて、常に連絡をくれました。他の国での登録にも利用します。
Epic Web3、ポルトガル
商標と特許の業務を 10 か国以上で発注しましたが、すべてが 1 つのダッシュボードで確認でき、支払いも迅速で安全なので非常に便利です。弁護士はアドバイスや最善の解決策を無料で提供してくれることが多く、何をすべきか、どうすれば安く済むか分からないときにとても役立ちます。15 年の経験を持つ特許弁護士としてお勧めできる優れたサービスです。
What is a patentability search in Mongolia?
A patentability search in Mongolia is an investigation to determine whether an invention meets the criteria for patent protection. This involves checking existing patents and publications to assess if the invention is novel, involves an inventive step, and is industrially applicable.
Why is a patentability search important in Mongolia?
A patentability search is important because it helps identify any prior art that may affect the patentability of an invention. It provides insight into whether an invention is likely to be granted a patent and helps avoid wasting resources on applications that might not be successful.
How is a patentability search conducted in Mongolia?
A patentability search is conducted by searching the Mongolian Intellectual Property Office (MIPO) database and other relevant patent databases for similar patents and publications. This search involves reviewing technical documents, patents, and non-patent literature related to the invention.
What are the key criteria for patentability in Mongolia?
The key criteria for patentability in Mongolia include novelty (the invention must be new), inventive step (the invention must not be obvious to someone skilled in the field), and industrial applicability (the invention must be capable of being used in some kind of industry).
How long does a patentability search take in Mongolia?
The duration of a patentability search can vary depending on the complexity of the invention and the thoroughness of the search. Typically, it takes a few weeks to a couple of months to complete a comprehensive search and analyze the results.
Can I perform a patentability search on my own in Mongolia?
While it is possible to perform a basic patentability search on your own, it is often advisable to seek professional assistance. Patent attorneys or agents have the expertise to conduct thorough searches and interpret the results accurately.
What are the costs associated with a patentability search in Mongolia?
The costs of a patentability search can vary based on the complexity of the search and the professional services involved. It typically includes fees for the search itself and any additional costs for consulting with a patent attorney or agent.
What should I do if the search reveals similar existing patents?
If the search reveals similar existing patents, you may need to modify your invention or its claims to ensure it is sufficiently distinct. Consulting with a patent attorney can help in refining your invention or developing strategies to overcome potential obstacles.

Patentability Search in Mongolia


A patentability search in Mongolia is a crucial step for inventors and businesses looking to secure patent protection. This process involves examining whether an invention is novel and non-obvious, key criteria for patent eligibility. Conducting a thorough patentability search helps determine the likelihood of obtaining a patent and avoids potential infringement issues.

Exploring the Landscape of Patentability Search in Mongolia
In Mongolia, patentability searches are conducted to evaluate if an invention meets the requirements for patent protection, which include novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. The search examines existing patents and publications to identify any prior art that could impact the patentability of the invention. This search is typically conducted before filing a patent application with the Mongolian Intellectual Property Office (MIPO).

The Critical Role of Patentability Search in Mongolia
A patentability search is critical for assessing the viability of a patent application. It helps identify any similar existing patents or publications that could invalidate or challenge your patent claim. By understanding the prior art landscape, inventors can refine their invention, address potential issues, and enhance the chances of a successful patent grant.

Key Steps in Conducting a Patentability Search in Mongolia

1. Define the Invention: Clearly describe the invention and its features. This helps in identifying relevant prior art and conducting an effective search.

2. Search Existing Patents: Use the MIPO database and other patent databases to find patents and publications related to your invention.

3. Analyze Prior Art: Evaluate the found prior art to determine how it relates to your invention and if it affects its novelty or inventive step.

4. Consult Professionals: Engage with patent attorneys or agents for a detailed analysis and interpretation of the search results.

The Advantages of Patentability Search in Mongolia
Conducting a patentability search offers several benefits:

1. Pre-Filing Insight: Provides an early assessment of the likelihood of patent success, allowing for strategic adjustments before filing.

2. Cost Efficiency: Helps avoid the costs associated with filing and potentially defending a patent application that may be rejected.

3. Informed Decisions: Enables inventors to make informed decisions about proceeding with the patent application based on the search findings.

4. Enhanced Protection: Improves the quality of the patent application by ensuring that the invention is truly novel and non-obvious, leading to stronger patent protection.

Why Choose iPNOTE for Patent Searches in Mongolia?

When protecting intellectual property in Mongolia, iPNOTE offers unique advantages tailored to the local context:

1. 費用対効果: iPNOTE's services are up to five times more affordable than those of large law firms, providing a budget-friendly solution for patent searches in Mongolia.

2. ユーザーフレンドリーなプラットフォーム: Easily navigate a public marketplace, leave feedback, and connect with service providers. iPNOTE's system generates invoices automatically, reducing unnecessary intermediaries and ensuring a seamless experience.

3. 迅速な対応: iPNOTE guarantees at least one proposal within 48 hours, often providing multiple options within a few hours, accelerating the process of finding a suitable contractor in Mongolia's fast-paced business environment.

4. 検証済みサービスプロバイダー: All service providers on the platform undergo manual verification, ensuring a thorough and reliable certification process for intellectual property specialists, crucial for the legal and business landscape in Mongolia.

5. グローバルリーチ: iPNOTE collaborates with lawyers from various countries, ensuring a diverse pool of expertise. This facilitates the discovery of a contractor for patent registration or patent searches in Mogolia, offering a comprehensive and global approach.

How iPNOTE's Patent Search Works in Mongolia

1. アカウントを作成する: 簡単なフォームに記入して、iPNOTE プラットフォームにアカウントを作成します。

2. タスクを定義する: Create a task in the desired region, addressing the unique requirements.

3. 請負業者を選択します。 iPNOTE で推奨されている業者の中から業者を選びます。

5. Receive Completed Documentation: Receive the completed documentation promptly. If unsatisfied, iPNOTE offers a refund, and in case of issues during the work, a replacement contractor is provided to ensure a smooth and effective process.

Embark on the journey of protecting your intellectual property in Mongolia with iPNOTE's AI Assistant today!
