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  サービス   特許登録   Notice of Allowance and Patent Granting

Patent Granting in 日本

Upon receiving a Notice of Allowance, you should pay the required granting fees. After this payment, the patent will be officially published and granted, thereby securing your exclusive rights

+ govt fees from $30

Upon receiving a Notice of Allowance, you should pay the required granting fees. After this payment, the patent will be officially published and granted, thereby securing your exclusive rights

Notice of Allowance and Patent Granting in Japan
$160より + govt fees from $30
  1. 数分以内に詳細な割り当てを作成するのに役立つ AI 搭載の IP アシスタント。

  2. 特定の基準に基づいて最も適切な現地の特許弁護士を選択します。

  3. Receiving a Notice of Allowance, handling government fees and issuance of a patent certificate.

  4. プロセス全体を通じてプラットフォーム上でオンライン監視とレポートを実行します。

なぜ iPNOTE なのか?
  • 150か国以上から800以上の知的財産法律事務所、ランキングとレビュー

  • タスクの作成と関連する弁護士の検索を支援する AI 搭載の IP アシスタント

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  • すべてのケースの登録プロセスとオンラインデータストレージに24時間365日アクセスできます

すごい、素晴らしいサービスです。プロバイダーは直接購入するよりもはるかに安いことがわかります。弁護士はすべて審査され、検証されているため、正当なサービスを購入しているかどうか疑問に思う必要はありません。これまでに 2 回使用しましたが、また使用する予定です。
一見すると、iPNOTE は専門家向けに設計されたプラットフォームです。しかし同時に、非常に役立つカスタマー サポートがあり、文字通り手作業ですべての段階をこなすことができました。クライアント中心であることは、ほぼすべてのステップを自動化しようとしている現代のデジタル サービスでは遺物的な機能です。
Tyan Group LLC、米国
素晴らしいサービスです、ありがとうございます! 商標登録のプロセスがまったくわからなかったので、誰かにこの仕事をしてもらいたいと思っていました。彼らはそれをやってくれました。満足です!
素晴らしいサービスです! 複数の管轄区域で商標を登録する必要がありましたが、IP Note が助けてくれました。信頼性が高く、迅速で透明性のあるプロセスで、世界中の特許弁護士と簡単にコミュニケーションが取れます。強くお勧めします。
優れた機能とデザインを備えたユーザーフレンドリーなアプリです。IP に関する必要な情報がすべて 1 か所にまとめられています。特許に関する情報に加えて、リマインダーやタスクの設定、進捗状況の追跡、サービス プロバイダーとの直接通信も可能です。そして、マーケットプレイスは IP 予算のかなりの部分を節約できる素晴らしい機会です。
Ipnote との連携は気に入りました。請負業者を見つけるプロセスが明確で便利で、多くの問題に対してサービス自体から常にサポートを受けられます。米国で商標出願を迅速に行うことができました。今後は、このサービスの助けを借りて、他の国でも出願を続ける予定です。
非常に便利なサービスで、数日で商標を登録できました。CX チーム、特に Alex の協力に感謝したいと思います。彼らは私を助けてくれて、常に連絡をくれました。他の国での登録にも利用します。
Epic Web3、ポルトガル
商標と特許の業務を 10 か国以上で発注しましたが、すべてが 1 つのダッシュボードで確認でき、支払いも安全で迅速なので非常に便利です。弁護士はアドバイスや最善の解決策を無料で提供してくれることが多く、何をすべきか、どうすれば安く済むか分からないときにとても役立ちます。15 年の経験を持つ特許弁護士としてお勧めできる優れたサービスです。
What is the process of patent granting in Japan?
The process of patent granting in Japan involves submitting a patent application to the Japan Patent Office (JPO), which conducts an examination to determine whether the invention meets the criteria for patentability. If the application satisfies all requirements, the JPO will grant the patent.
How long does it typically take for a patent to be granted in Japan?
The timeframe for patent granting in Japan varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the invention, backlog at the JPO, and whether any objections or rejections are raised during examination. Generally, it takes around 2 to 4 years from the filing date to receive a patent grant.
What are the requirements for patent granting in Japan?
To be granted a patent in Japan, the invention must meet the statutory requirements, including novelty, inventive step, industrial applicability, and enablement (sufficient disclosure of the invention). Additionally, the application must comply with formal requirements set by the JPO.
What rights do I have after my patent is granted in Japan?
After your patent is granted in Japan, you will have the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention in Japan for the duration of the patent term, typically 20 years from the filing date.
Can I request expedited examination for my patent application in Japan?
Yes, applicants can request expedited examination for their patent application in Japan under certain conditions, such as if there is a pending infringement lawsuit or if the invention relates to green technology. Expedited examination can significantly reduce the processing time.
What happens if my patent application is rejected during examination in Japan?
If your patent application is rejected during examination in Japan, you have the option to appeal the decision through procedures such as filing an appeal to the Intellectual Property High Court or requesting reexamination by the JPO.
Is it possible to amend my patent application during examination in Japan?
Yes, applicants can amend their patent application during examination in Japan to address objections or rejections raised by the JPO. Amendments may involve modifying the claims, description, or drawings to overcome the grounds for rejection.
Do I need to pay maintenance fees for my patent in Japan?
Yes, patent holders are required to pay maintenance fees to keep their patents in force in Japan. These fees are typically due annually and must be paid to the JPO within specified deadlines to avoid the expiration of the patent.

Notice of Allowance and Patent Granting in Japan: The Path to Protecting Your Invention


Japan is renowned for its technological advancements and innovation. The patent system plays a crucial role in fostering and protecting these innovations. Understanding the process of patent granting in Japan is essential for inventors and businesses looking to safeguard their intellectual property in one of the world's leading technology hubs.

What is Patent Granting?

Patent granting is the process by which a government authority, such as the Japan Patent Office (JPO), confers the exclusive right to an inventor or assignee to prevent others from making, using, selling, or distributing the patented invention without permission. This right typically lasts for 20 years from the filing date, allowing inventors to capitalize on their inventions while contributing to technological progress.

Understanding the Patent Granting Process in Japan

The patent granting process in Japan is designed to ensure that only novel, non-obvious, and industrially applicable inventions receive patent protection. The process involves several stages, from application submission to examination and, eventually, patent issuance.

Key Steps in Patent Granting Action in Japan

  • Filing the Application: The process begins with filing a patent application with the JPO. The application must include a detailed description of the invention, claims defining the scope of protection, and necessary drawings. Applicants can file either directly with the JPO or through the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) route for international applications.
  • Formal Examination: Upon receiving the application, the JPO conducts a formal examination to ensure all required documents are complete and in order. This step verifies that the application adheres to procedural requirements.
  • Substantive Examination: Applicants must request a substantive examination within three years from the filing date. During this examination, the JPO evaluates the novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability of the invention. Examiners conduct a thorough search of prior art to determine if the invention meets these criteria.
  • Publication: Approximately 18 months after filing, the application is published, making the details of the invention publicly accessible. This step provides an opportunity for third parties to review the application and submit objections if necessary.
  • Grant or Rejection: Based on the substantive examination, the JPO will either grant the patent if the invention meets all criteria or issue a rejection if it does not. Applicants have the right to respond to objections and amend their applications accordingly.
  • Appeal: If the application is rejected, applicants can appeal the decision within a specified period. The appeal process involves a review by the JPO's Appeal Department.

Understanding and navigating the patent granting process in Japan is crucial for protecting intellectual property and fostering innovation in a competitive global market.

iPNOTE を選ぶ理由 

Our services offer significant cost savings, being five times cheaper than those of large law firms. Document preparation is also made ten times easier compared to attempting it solo.

Navigate our user-friendly public marketplace to explore service providers, share feedback, and connect with representatives. Invoices are automatically generated by the system, streamlining the process. iPNOTE facilitates direct collaboration with contractors, reducing unnecessary intermediaries.

Expect prompt responses with iPNOTE; we guarantee at least one proposal within 48 hours, often providing multiple options within a few hours. All service providers undergo thorough verification, with intellectual property specialists manually certified to ensure credibility.

iPNOTE collaborates with lawyers worldwide, ensuring access to patent registration contractors in any country.

How Does Patent Granting via iPNOTE Function? 

To engage an intellectual property lawyer through iPNOTE:

1. Create an account on the platform by filling out a short form.

2. Specify your task region, whether in Japan or worldwide.

3. 弊社の推奨プロバイダーから請負業者を選択します。

4. Receive the completed documentation.

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