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Notice of Allowance and Patent Granting in ブラジル

Upon receiving a Notice of Allowance, you should pay the required granting fees. After this payment, the patent will be officially published and granted, thereby securing your exclusive rights

+ govt fees from $50

Upon receiving a Notice of Allowance, you should pay the required granting fees. After this payment, the patent will be officially published and granted, thereby securing your exclusive rights

Notice of Allowance and Patent Granting in Brazil
From $125 + govt fees from $50
  1. 数分以内に詳細な割り当てを作成するのに役立つ AI 搭載の IP アシスタント。

  2. 特定の基準に基づいて最も適切な現地の特許弁護士を選択します。

  3. Receiving a Notice of Allowance, handling government fees and issuance of a patent certificate.

  4. プロセス全体を通じてプラットフォーム上でオンライン監視とレポートを実行します。

なぜ iPNOTE なのか?
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Tyan Group LLC、米国
素晴らしいサービスです、ありがとうございます! 商標登録のプロセスがまったくわからなかったので、誰かにこの仕事をしてもらいたいと思っていました。彼らはそれをやってくれました。満足です!
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Epic Web3、ポルトガル
商標と特許の業務を 10 か国以上で発注しましたが、すべてが 1 つのダッシュボードで確認でき、支払いも安全で迅速なので非常に便利です。弁護士はアドバイスや最善の解決策を無料で提供してくれることが多く、何をすべきか、どうすれば安く済むか分からないときにとても役立ちます。15 年の経験を持つ特許弁護士としてお勧めできる優れたサービスです。
What is patent granting, and when does it occur in Brazil?
Patent granting is the official process where the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) approves a patent application, thereby conferring exclusive rights to the inventor(s) for the invention. In Brazil, patent granting occurs after the examination process is completed, and the INPI determines that the invention meets all patentability requirements.
What are the requirements for patent granting in Brazil?
To be granted a patent in Brazil, an invention must meet the criteria of novelty, inventive step (non-obviousness), industrial applicability, and sufficient disclosure. The invention should also not fall under any excluded subject matter, such as discoveries, scientific theories, or methods for treatment of the human or animal body.
How long does it take for a patent to be granted in Brazil?
The timeline for patent granting in Brazil can vary depending on factors such as the backlog at the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI), the complexity of the invention, and the examination process. Generally, it can take several years from the filing date of the application to patent granting.
What happens after a patent is granted in Brazil?
After a patent is granted in Brazil, the inventor(s) or patent owner(s) are awarded exclusive rights to the invention within the territory of Brazil for the duration of the patent term, which is typically 20 years from the filing date of the application. The patent owner can enforce these rights against unauthorized use by third parties.
Can a granted patent be challenged or invalidated in Brazil?
Yes, a granted patent can be challenged or invalidated in Brazil through administrative procedures or legal actions. Interested parties can file oppositions, invalidity actions, or administrative nullity proceedings with the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) or initiate litigation in the Brazilian court system to challenge the validity of a patent.
What rights does a patent grant to the inventor(s) in Brazil?
A patent grants the inventor(s) exclusive rights to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing the patented invention without authorization within the territory of Brazil. The patent owner has the legal authority to enforce these rights and seek remedies for infringement.
Are there any maintenance requirements for maintaining a patent in force in Brazil?
Yes, there are maintenance requirements for maintaining a patent in force in Brazil. Patent owners are required to pay annual maintenance fees to the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) to keep the patent in force throughout its term. Failure to pay these fees can result in the expiration of the patent.
Can a granted patent in Brazil be extended beyond its original term?
In Brazil, the term of a patent is generally 20 years from the filing date of the application, and it cannot be extended beyond this period. However, there are certain provisions for patent term extensions in specific cases, such as pharmaceutical patents, to compensate for delays in regulatory approval.

Patent Granting in Brazil: The Path to Protecting Your Invention


The Brazilian patent system is an essential component of the country's intellectual property framework, facilitating innovation and protecting inventors' rights. Patents provide inventors with exclusive rights to their creations, fostering a competitive and dynamic market. Understanding the patent granting process in Brazil is crucial for inventors and businesses seeking to protect their innovations.

What is Patent Granting?

Patent granting is the process through which a government authority, such as the Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), confers exclusive rights to an inventor for a specified period. This right prevents others from making, using, selling, or distributing the patented invention without permission. Patents incentivize innovation by ensuring inventors can potentially reap financial rewards from their inventions.

Understanding the Patent Granting Process in Brazil

The patent granting process in Brazil is administered by INPI, the national body responsible for managing intellectual property rights. The process aims to ensure that patents are granted for genuine, novel, and non-obvious inventions, thus maintaining a fair and effective system.

Key Steps in Patent Granting Action in Brazil

  • Filing the Application: The inventor submits a detailed application to INPI, including a description of the invention, claims defining the scope of the patent, and any necessary drawings or diagrams.
  • Formal Examination: INPI conducts a preliminary review to ensure all required documents are included and that the application meets formal requirements.
  • Publication: The application is published in the INPI official journal, allowing third parties to view the details and potentially file oppositions.
  • Substantive Examination: A thorough examination is conducted to assess the novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability of the invention. The examiner reviews prior art to determine if the invention is truly novel and non-obvious.
  • Granting the Patent: If the application passes the substantive examination, INPI grants the patent, giving the inventor exclusive rights for up to 20 years from the filing date.
  • Post-Grant Maintenance: To keep the patent in force, the inventor must pay annual maintenance fees. Failure to do so can result in the patent being revoked.

Understanding these steps is vital for anyone looking to protect their inventions in Brazil, ensuring that their innovations are legally safeguarded.

Why Opt for iPNOTE? 

Our services offer significant cost savings, being five times cheaper than those of large law firms. Document preparation is also made ten times easier compared to attempting it solo.

Navigate our user-friendly public marketplace to explore service providers, share feedback, and connect with representatives. Invoices are automatically generated by the system, streamlining the process. iPNOTE facilitates direct collaboration with contractors, reducing unnecessary intermediaries.

Expect prompt responses with iPNOTE; we guarantee at least one proposal within 48 hours, often providing multiple options within a few hours. All service providers undergo thorough verification, with intellectual property specialists manually certified to ensure credibility.

iPNOTE collaborates with lawyers worldwide, ensuring access to patent registration contractors in any country.

How Does Patent Granting via iPNOTE Function? 

To engage an intellectual property lawyer through iPNOTE:

1. Create an account on the platform by filling out a short form.

2. Specify your task region, whether in Brazil or worldwide.

3. Choose a contractor from our recommended providers.

4. Receive the completed documentation.

In case of dissatisfaction, we offer refunds. If the selected contractor proves unsuitable during the project, we provide a replacement.

Kickstart your protection journey with our AIアシスタント 今日!
